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Update: Friday, March 18, 2022


Good afternoon/Buenas tardes,


Here are a few important reminders. Please contact me @Jordan, Dwan (DCPS) if you have any questions.

Aquí hay algunos recordatorios importantes. Comuníquese conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta.


1. DCPS Student Engagement Team Presentation on Programming and End-of-the-Year Expectations and Activities. / 1. Equipo de Participación Estudiantil de DCPS sobre la programación y las expectativas y actividades de fin de año.


Thank you to our families who attended the Virtual Learning Student Engagement Meeting last Thursday. What a good turnout! 

Attached you will find the recording of the presentation. We hope that this video will help our families with some of the questions that have come up regarding DCPS’s programs and activities as they rate to our virtual learning students. 


Gracias a nuestras familias que asistieron a la Reunión de Participación Estudiantil de Aprendizaje Virtual el jueves pasado. ¡Qué buena participación!

Adjunto encontrará la grabación de la presentación (recording of the presentation). Esperamos que este video ayude a nuestras familias con algunas de las preguntas que han surgido con respecto a los programas y actividades de DCPS a medida que califican a nuestros estudiantes de aprendizaje virtual.


2. Virtual School In-Person Testing / 2. Pruebas en-Persona de la Escuela Virtual


Each spring, DC Public Schools (DCPS) students participate in annual summative assessments to help us measure student growth and identify our opportunities for continued support. In Spring 2022, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) expects that all students will test in-person unless they have an OSSE-approved assessment medical exemption. Students with approved “COVID-19 Medical Consent & Certification for Distance Learning, 2021-22 School Year” but without OSSE-approved assessment medical exemptions are still expected to participate in in-person assessments.


This means that all DCPS students currently learning virtually through the DCPS Virtual Learning Program are expected to test in-person unless they applied for and received approval for a medical waiver from testing from OSSE. The OSSE form is available HERE (“SY 2021-22 Statewide Assessments Medical Exemption Form”).


Given this policy, if your child is learning virtually and does not have an OSSE-approved assessment medical exemption, s/he will need to come to 800 Euclid Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 for testing during the Spring 2022 assessments season. We will communicate the specific testing times/processes to you near the testing window.


Parents wishing to submit the assessment medical exemption forms should submit them to @Person, Wesley (DCPS) immediately (the due date has passed) . To be considered a valid document for exemption, the form must include a signed statement from the student’s treating physician or psychiatrist. It should describe the nature of the condition or extraordinary treatment and confirm that the condition or extraordinary treatment has substantially prevented the student from accessing educational services since its inception or that the student is too physically fragile to participate in the statewide assessment.


Deadline extensions can be granted for emergencies only – If you need to submit the medical exemption form after March 1 please contact @Person, Wesley (DCPS)as soon as possible before the testing window ends.


Please contact me ( if you have any questions.


Cada primavera, los estudiantes de las Escuelas Públicas de DC (DCPS) participan en evaluaciones sumativas anuales para ayudarnos a medir el crecimiento de los estudiantes e identificar nuestras oportunidades de apoyo continuo. En la primavera de 2022, la Oficina del Superintendente de Educación del Estado (OSSE, por sus siglas en inglés) espera que todos los estudiantes realicen la prueba en persona a menos que tengan una exención médica de evaluación aprobada por la OSSE assessment medical exemption Se espera que los estudiantes con el "Consentimiento médico y certificación COVID-19 para el aprendizaje a distancia, año escolar 2021-22" aprobados, pero sin exenciones médicas de evaluación aprobadas por OSSE assessment medical exemptions participen en las evaluaciones en persona.


Esto significa que se espera que todos los estudiantes de DCPS que actualmente aprenden virtualmente a través del Programa de aprendizaje virtual de DCPS realicen la prueba en persona, a menos que hayan solicitado y recibido la aprobación de una exención médica de la prueba de OSSE. El formulario OSSE está disponible AQUI HERE ("Formulario de exención médica de evaluaciones estatales SY 2021-22").


Dada esta política, si su hijo está aprendiendo virtualmente y no tiene una exención médica de evaluación aprobada por OSSE, deberá venir a 800 Euclid Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 para realizar la prueba durante la temporada de evaluaciones de primavera de 2022. Le comunicaremos los tiempos/procesos de prueba específicos cerca de la ventana de prueba.


Los padres que deseen enviar los formularios de exención médica de evaluación ( assessment medical exemption forms ) deben enviarlos a antes del 1 de marzo de 2022 (En laparte de LEA, ponga DCPS Virtual Learning Program. El nombre de la escuela es Virtual Learning Program. Para que se considere un documento válido para la exención, el formulario debe incluir una declaración firmada por el médico o psiquiatra que trata al estudiante. Debe describir la naturaleza de la condición o tratamiento extraordinario y confirmar que la condición o tratamiento extraordinario ha impedido sustancialmente que el estudiante acceda a los servicios educativos desde su inicio o que el estudiante es demasiado frágil físicamente para participar en la evaluación estatal.


Se pueden otorgar extensiones de fecha límite solo para emergencias: si necesita enviar el formulario de exención médica después del 1 de Marzo, comuníquese con lo antes posible antes de que finalice la ventana de prueba.


Comuníquese conmigo ( si tiene alguna pregunta.


2. Please refer to email for testing updates.


3. Second Semester Staff Directory and Class Links/3. Directorio del Staff para el Segundo Semestre


I have attached an updated copy of the Staff Directory and Class Links for all 2nd Semester classes. The document will be updated throughout the semester if staffing/classes change.


Adjunto una copia actualizada del Directorio de personal y enlaces de clase para todas las clases del segundo semestre. El documento se actualizará a lo largo del semestre si cambia el personal o las clases.


4. Return to In-Person or Intent to Remain with Virtual Learning / 4. Regreso a Aprendizaje en Persona o Permanencia en Virtual


Families requesting to return to in-person learning should now return to using the Return to In-Person Learning request form (attached) and submit it to   


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Las familias que soliciten volver al aprendizaje en persona ahora deben volver a usar el formulario de solicitud de regreso al aprendizaje en persona (adjunto) y enviarlo a   


Dejeme saber si tiene alguna pregunta.



6. Who to Contact / 6. A Quien Contactar


1. For schedule issues/matters, please contact: (elementary) or (middle and high) 

2. For attendance, Canvas, or Aspen matters, please contact: or


The log in to Canvas is different from last year.  It is now the same as Teams and Clever:  

Student log in to Canvas is: 

Student Login: 

Password: Same as before

Students can't login to Canvas:

Please have them call the 24/7 support line @ 202-442-5885.


3. If you have questions about medical eligibility for virtual learning, or the medical consent and certification form, please contact the Health team at

4. If you have questions about Special Education Services, you can reach out to Sheila English at and Regina Grimmett at

5. If you have questions about English Learners (EL) Program and English as a Second Language ESL) Program you can reach out to Rosanna Demammos at

6. If you have any parent concerns or complaints please let me know. Also, Ms. Hampton ( handles substitute coverage and serves as our parent liaison alongside Ms. Amanda Mesa (


1. Para problemas / asuntos relacionados con el horario, comuníquese con: (primaria) o (intermedia y secundaria).

2. Para asuntos de asistencia, Canvas o Aspen, comuníquese con: or


El inicio de sesión en Canvas es diferente al del año pasado.

Ahora es lo mismo que Teams y Clever: El inicio de sesión del estudiante en Canvas es: 

Inicio de sesión del estudiante:

Contraseña: igual que antes

Si los estudiantes no pueden iniciar sesión en Canvas:

Pídales que llamen a la línea de asistencia 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana al 202-442-5885.


3. Si tiene preguntas sobre la elegibilidad médica para el aprendizaje virtual o sobre el formulario de certificación y consentimiento médico, comuníquese con el equipo de salud en

4. Si tiene preguntas sobre los Servicios de educación especial, puede comunicarse con Sheila English en and y Regina Grimmett en

5. Si tiene preguntas sobre el programa para estudiantes de inglés (EL) y el programa de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL), puede comunicarse con Rosanna Demammos en

6. Si tiene alguna inquietud o queja de los padres, hágamelo saber. Además, la Srita. Hampton ( se encarga de la cobertura de suplentes y sirve como enlace para los padres junto con la Srita. Amanda Mesa (


Upcoming Dates / Fechas Proximas


April / Abril


4-8     ANET Testing / Pruebas ANET

11-15 No School for Students / No hay escuela para estudientes

18       End Date of Term 3  / Fin del Periodo 3

19-22 ANET Testing / Prueba ANET



Update: Friday, February 4, 2022


I hope all is well with you, your students, and your loved ones! Outside of caring about your student and his/her education, I want you to know that the virtual learning staff cares about you and your well-being. We are here to assist in any way possible.


On Friday’s our staff participate in “sharing the love.” This is when our staff show appreciation and gratitude for each other. I want to invite you to join in. Please feel free to share the love (a note to any teacher that you would like to show appreciation to) with me. Teachers are on the front line during the pandemic and sometimes a “thank you” can go a long way!


I would like to welcome all of our new families to the virtual learning program and thank all of the families that have remained with us for the second semester. The goal of the program is to ensure that our students receive a quality education in a safe environment. Ultimately, we know that your students will transition back to in-person learning at some point. Our teachers work hard to ensure that all students are following the DCPS curriculum so when it’s time to transition, they will be more than ready.


The directory includes teacher e-mails, links to their classes, and their schedules. Please feel free to reach out to teachers if you have academic questions or concerns. As always, you can contact me @Jordan, Dwan (DCPS) if you have any questions about anything.


Here are a few reminders and important documents:


1. Second Semester Staff Directory and Class Links


I have attached an updated copy of the Staff Directory and Class Links for all 2nd Semester classes. The document will be updated throughout the semester if staffing/classes change. The document will be updated weekly.


2. Return to In-Person or Intent to Remain with Virtual Learning


Families requesting to return to in-person learning should now return to using the Return to In-Person Learning request form (attached) and submit it to   


Please let me know if you have any questions.


3. Virtual School In-Person Testing


Each spring, DC Public Schools (DCPS) students participate in annual summative assessments to help us measure student growth and identify our opportunities for continued support. In Spring 2022, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) expects that all students will test in-person unless they have an OSSE-approved assessment medical exemption. Students with approved “COVID-19 Medical Consent & Certification for Distance Learning, 2021-22 School Year” but without OSSE-approved assessment medical exemptions are still expected to participate in in-person assessments.


This means that all DCPS students currently learning virtually through the DCPS Virtual Learning Program are expected to test in-person unless they applied for and received approval for a medical waiver from testing from OSSE. The OSSE form is available HERE (“SY 2021-22 Statewide Assessments Medical Exemption Form”).


Given this policy, if your child is learning virtually and does not have an OSSE-approved assessment medical exemption, s/he will need to come to 800 Euclid Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 for testing during the Spring 2022 assessments season. We will communicate the specific testing times/processes to you near the testing window.


Parents wishing to submit the assessment medical exemption forms should submit them to by March 1, 2022. To be considered a valid document for exemption, the form must include a signed statement from the student’s treating physician or psychiatrist. It should describe the nature of the condition or extraordinary treatment and confirm that the condition or extraordinary treatment has substantially prevented the student from accessing educational services since its inception or that the student is too physically fragile to participate in the statewide assessment.


Deadline extensions can be granted for emergencies only – If you need to submit the medical exemption form after March 1 please contact as soon as possible before the testing window ends.


Please contact me ( if you have any questions.


4. Attendance Process


We want to ensure that your student’s attendance is 100% accurate. In order to rectify any issues, there are a few things that parents/guardians can do in partnership with the virtual learning program:

  • Ensure that your student attends all classes every day. Secondary parents, this is important because if a student is absent for any class, he/she will be deemed absent for the day (we are on a 4x4 schedule so missing one class means the student was present for 75% of the day). The secondary requirement is 80%.

  • Please ensure that your student log-in his/her device through Canvas. This is how attendance is documented.

  • On the first day of attendance (or at any time), please communicate with the school of record to verify your child’s attendance at the Virtual Learning Program. The school of record has to switch you over in there system also.

  • Send an e-mail to if your student is going to be absent.

  • Have your student type his/her name in the chat daily. This is documentation that the student was in class.


5. Who to Contact / A Quien Contactar


1. For schedule issues/matters, please contact: (elementary) or (middle and high) 

2. For attendance, Canvas, or Aspen matters, please contact: or


The log in to Canvas is different from last year.  It is now the same as Teams and Clever:  

Student log in to Canvas is: 

Student Login: 

Password: Same as before

Students can't login to Canvas:

Please have them call the 24/7 support line @ 202-442-5885.


3. If you have questions about medical eligibility for virtual learning, or the medical consent and certification form, please contact the Health team at

4. If you have questions about Special Education Services, you can reach out to Sheila English at and Regina Grimmett at

5. If you have questions about English Learners (EL) Program and English as a Second Language ESL) Program you can reach out to Rosanna Demammos at

6. If you have any parent concerns or complaints please let me know. Also, Ms. Hampton ( handles substitute coverage and serves as our parent liaison alongside Ms. Amanda Mesa (


1. Para problemas / asuntos relacionados con el horario, comuníquese con: (primaria) o (intermedia y secundaria).

2. Para asuntos de asistencia, Canvas o Aspen, comuníquese con: or


El inicio de sesión en Canvas es diferente al del año pasado.

Ahora es lo mismo que Teams y Clever: El inicio de sesión del estudiante en Canvas es: 

Inicio de sesión del estudiante:

Contraseña: igual que antes

Si los estudiantes no pueden iniciar sesión en Canvas:

Pídales que llamen a la línea de asistencia 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana al 202-442-5885.


3. Si tiene preguntas sobre la elegibilidad médica para el aprendizaje virtual o sobre el formulario de certificación y consentimiento médico, comuníquese con el equipo de salud en

4. Si tiene preguntas sobre los Servicios de educación especial, puede comunicarse con Sheila English en and y Regina Grimmett en

5. Si tiene preguntas sobre el programa para estudiantes de inglés (EL) y el programa de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL), puede comunicarse con Rosanna Demammos en

6. Si tiene alguna inquietud o queja de los padres, hágamelo saber. Además, la Srita. Hampton ( se encarga de la cobertura de suplentes y sirve como enlace para los padres junto con la Srita. Amanda Mesa (


Update: Wednesday, November 10, 2021


I would like to thank all of you – whether you started with us in August or if you have just joined us recently. Your partnership is a major part of the success of our Virtual Learning Program.

  • Please help me welcome Mr. Jimenez! Mr. Jimenez will be teaching Spanish!

  • Please note that tomorrow is a holiday and there will be no school for students and staff.

  • Please ensure that your student attends class each and every day. Attendance is crucial to student success in any instructional program!


This week-end I had the opportunity to reflect on all of the work that has been done to open up the Virtual Learning Program and to get us to this point. All I can say is wow! The, the work started around enrollment and registration, parent outreach, interviewing and hiring, scheduling, instructional and operational planning, execution of pre-service, orientations, training for staff, preparation for the first day and the first week, building collaborative structures internally, building relationships with students, and so much more- for basically four new schools (ECE, elementary, middle, and high school). This would not have been possible without your support.


As we move into the second term, I wanted to provide you some information regarding the VL Program and important upcoming business/events. Again, thank you for your support.


1. Recertifying Families for Virtual Learning (2nd Semester)

Families currently in the program will need a NEW medical consent form to remain in the program. Any new families will need to go through the full approval process. Given the time lag to get a doctor’s appointment, please get started on the process as soon as possible. Those forms should be mailed to


2. Virtual Learning Program Legislative Updates

The VL program will be expanding. Expansion is capped at 200 additional elementary students and 150 secondary students (from count day on October 5). I am excited about the expansion. I am looking forward to possible serving 350 more families.


Virtual Expansion

What used to happen: Only students with approved medical forms can attend DCPS Virtual.

What happens now: Only students with approved medical forms can attend DCPS Virtual. OSSE will revise form to expand doctor requirement to doctor recommendation for students who have a high-risk medical condition or live with someone with a high-risk medical condition.


The legislation expands eligibility for virtual learning approvals to students who meet the following conditions:

- Who are not vaccine-eligible and,

- Whose doctor indicates that they recommend (not require) virtual learning either because of A) the student’s medical condition puts the student at high-risk of severe illness with COVID-19, or B) the medical condition of someone in the student’s household would put the member of the household at high-risk of severe illness with COVID-19 if the student were to attend school in-person.


DCPS currently has two mechanisms for serving virtual learners:

DCPS Virtual Learning Program: This is our stand-alone virtual program, with a Principal and dedicated staff. This program serves general education and inclusion students.


Combined Instruction (Simulcast): Students in self-contained programs who are medically eligible for virtual are served by their schools of record, given the specialized  nature of these programs.


Next Steps

- OSSE will update the medical eligibility form to align to the new criteria.

- DCPS will proactively reach out to families who previously applied for virtual and now meet the criteria.


3. Return to In-Person Learning Requirement

Families of students approved for virtual can request a mid-semester change by completing and submitting the attached form to (Since the medical consent form to attend virtual was signed by a physician saying the student requires virtual learning, we need physician sign off if the family changes their mind.) Approval of the request is dependent on the school of record having space to accommodate the request. Please note, this process must be followed. If it is not followed, the student’s grades, attendance, and registration and enrollment will all be affected and out of compliance.


4. First Term Grades

The mark entry window opened Friday, November 5th for Term 1 and grades will be entered in Aspen by 5:00 pm on Monday, November 15th.  Report cards will be published centrally to the Aspen Parent Portal on Thursday, November 18th and the deadline for schools to mail report cards will be Tuesday, November 23rd .


Grades for Students Enrolling in VL Late

Students will receive an L for previous assignments (given by the VL Teacher) and can then be given the opportunity to make up previous work to change that grade from an L to an A-F grade for classes they are completely new to. The VL teachers will also take into account previous progress report/report cards if within the term.


5. What happens when a teacher is absent at the Virtual Learning Program

As in any profession, employees have leave that they can take for various reasons. However, at the Virtual Learning Program we want to ensure continued education for all students when their teachers may be on leave.


Our Virtual Substitute Management Plan

  • We ask our employees to plan for leave as early as possible. When this is done, we can ensure that education continues for all students. However, we must keep in mind that emergencies do happen.

  • We have a school LEAP Lead (Ms. Hampton) and LEAP Leaders who ensure that all virtual classes are covered each day and/or students have asynchronous work to complete (provided by the absent teacher). Ms. Hampton also serves as our emergency substitute teacher.

  • Teachers on Leave create a full day asynchronous substitute plan – aligned to current standards and objectives -  for our students to be able to access classes in the event of an emergency or planned absence. The plan should cover the full school day. An announcement will be posted on Canvas and Teams for students and parents. I am also asking teachers to send parents/students (for secondary students) an email with the plan.


For Example- Elementary

- 9:00 to 10:30 (Students are to view the following video and complete the following work – with clear directions and links)

- 10:30 to 12:00 (Students are to view the following video and complete the following work – with clear directions and links)

- Lunch

 - 2:00 – 3:15 (Students are to view the following video and complete the following work – with clear directions and links)

For Example- Secondary

- Period 1 (Students are to view the following video and complete the following work – with clear directions and links)


6. Supplies

Parents, we still have white boards, composition books, pencils, and highlighters for all students. Please contact Mr. Person (202-741-8541) to arrange for a pick-up time/day. Please note that all visitors to the Old Banneker site MUST have an appointment to visit the campus.


7. EdFEST Update 

Parents will have the opportunity to explore the city’s many public school options (PK3 - grade 12) for your child. EdFEST is always a timely event to help you make informed choices.

EdFEST will be held virtually on December 11th - more details to come!


8. Guide to College and Career Academies for 8th Graders (11/8) 

During the week of November 8th The Guide to College and Career Academies will be mailed to all DCPS 8th graders. The guides share information about NAF College and Career Academies available at students’ in-boundary schools and at DCPS high schools across the district. More details and resources can be found on the DCPS CTE website. Guides will be uploaded to Aspen in early December. 


9. After School STEM Virtual Exchange Challenge with Students in Ghana 

The World Smarts STEM Challenge virtual exchange program supports STEM education in the United States and Ghana by matching DCPS high school students with students in Ghana to virtually solve global issues in their communities while further developing global competence and interest in STEM careers. For more information, view this flyer or visit IREX WSSC Overview


10. COVID-19 Updates

With the COVID-19 vaccine now approved for children ages 5 and older, DCPS is expanding the availability of the vaccine to students this November! In partnership with DC Health, pediatric COVID-19 vaccination clinics will open at select schools for children ages 5-11, and any DCPS student or DC youth these ages can stop by to get their first dose. School clinics will be open Monday-Saturday and hours vary by location.


Students ages 5-11 should visit an elementary school location, while students ages 12 and older can visit a secondary school clinic, including our youth incentive site at Columbia Heights Education Campus. It’s important for students to attend the vaccine clinic appropriate for their age.


Information for families is also available online at We highlighted this in an email to all families yesterday, and a text message will go out today followed by a robocall on Sunday.


Who to Contact

1. For schedule issues/matters, please contact: (elementary) or (middle and high)

2. For attendance, Canvas, or Aspen matters, please contact: or

The log in to Canvas is different from last year.  It is now the same as Teams and Clever:  

Student log in to Canvas is: 

Student Login: 

Password: Same as before

Students can't login to Canvas:

Please have them call the 24/7 support line @ 202-442-5885.

If you have questions about medical eligibility for virtual learning, or the medical consent and certification form, please contact the Health team at

3. If you have questions about scheduling, please contact (secondary) or (elementary).

4. If you have questions about Special Education Services, you can reach out to Sheila English at and Regina Grimmett at

5. If you have questions about English Learners (EL) Program and English as a Second Language ESL) Program you can reach out to Rosanna Demammos at (DCPS Central), (elementary), (middle school), or (high).

6. If you have any parent concerns or complaints please let me know. Also, Ms. Hampton ( handles substitute coverage and serves as our parent liaison alongside Ms. Amanda Mesa (



11 – Holiday

12 – ANET Testing

24 – No School for Students

25 – Holiday

26 – No School for Students



1-3 Phonics Inventory Assessment

10 – STAMP Testing

15-22 ANET Testing

16 – MTSS Meeting

23 – No School for Students

24 - Holiday

27 – 30 No School for Students

31 – Holiday


Update: Friday, October 22, 2021


The Office of Engagement and Partnerships and the Office of Teaching and Learning collaborated to create grade-specific Family Curriculum Guides from Kindergarten to Eighth Grade. These guides gives parents the tools they need to support their child’s learning at home.


In these booklets, parents will find strategies based on the DCPS curriculum to help their child meet their learning goals. Parents will have a better understanding of what their child is learning in school and how they can support learning at home.


For High School students, we encourage parents to visit to learn more about The DCPS Guide to Graduation, College and Career.


 Kindergarten Grade Guide - English - 2.1 MB (pdf)

 Kindergarten Grade Guide - Spanish - 2.1 MB (pdf)

 First Grade Guide - English - 3.3 MB (pdf)

 First Grade Guide - Spanish - 3.3 MB (pdf)

 Second Grade Guide - English - 3.2 MB (pdf)

 Second Grade Guide - Spanish - 3.2 MB (pdf)

 Third Grade Guide - English - 2.5 MB (pdf)

 Third Grade Guide - Spanish - 2.6 MB (pdf)

 Fourth Grade Guide - English - 2.4 MB (pdf)

 Fourth Grade Guide - Spanish - 2.4 MB (pdf)

 Fifth Grade Guide - English - 2.6 MB (pdf)

 Fifth Grade Guide - Spanish - 2.6 MB (pdf)

 Sixth Grade Guide - English - 3.3 MB (pdf)

 Sixth Grade Guide - Spanish - 3.3 MB (pdf)

 Seventh Grade Guide - English - 2.2 MB (pdf)

 Seventh Grade Guide - Spanish - 2.2 MB (pdf)

 Eighth Grade Guide - English - 2.0 MB (pdf)

 Eighth Grade Guide - Spanish - 2.0 MB (pdf


Update: Thursday, October 21, 2021


This month we are celebrating National Principal’s Appreciation Month and Bullying Prevention Month. Today and tomorrow we are asking our students to wear any shade of orange in recognition of Bullying Prevention Month.


Also, our team is planning a virtual spirit week for our students that will take place the week of November 1-5. We will send out more details next week.


Staff Directory

We are attaching an updated Staff Directory List which also includes updated Teams Links for our teachers/classes. If your student is unable to log-in through Canvas for any reason, please feel free to use the directory/links to help him/her access classes. Also, you can always reach out to me or Mr. Person ( by email or phone (202.741.8541) if your student is having issues accessing classes.


Recertifying Families for Virtual Learning (2nd Semester)

It’s almost time to start planning for spring semester virtual learning. Families currently in the program will need a NEW medical consent form to remain in the program. Any new families will need to go through the full approval process. Given the time lag to get a doctor’s appointment, please get started on the process as soon as possible.


Return to In-Person Learning

Families of students approved for virtual can request a mid-semester change by completing and submitting the attached form to (Since the medical consent form to attend virtual was signed by a physician saying the student requires virtual learning, we need physician sign off if the family changes their mind.) Approval of the request is dependent on the school of record having space to accommodate the request.



Parents, we still have white boards, composition books, pencils, and highlighters for all students. Please contact Mr. Person (202-741-8541) to arrange for a pick-up time/day. Please note that all visitors to the Old Banneker site MUST have an appointment to visit the campus.


Who to Contact

1. For schedule issues/matters, please contact: (elementary) or (middle and high)

2. For attendance, Canvas, or Aspen matters, please contact: or

The log in to Canvas is different from last year.  It is now the same as Teams and Clever:  


Student log in to Canvas is: 

Student Login: 

Password: Same as before


Students can't login to Canvas:

  1. Please have them call the 24/7 support line @ 202-442-5885.

  2. If you have questions about medical eligibility for virtual learning, or the medical consent and certification form, please contact the Health team at

  3. If you have questions about scheduling, please contact (secondary) or (elementary).

  4. If you have questions about Special Education Services, you can reach out to Sheila English at and Regina Grimmett at

  5. If you have questions about English Learners (EL) Program and English as a Second Language ESL) Program you can reach out to Rosanna Demammos at (DCPS Central), (elementary), (middle school), or (high).


Upcoming Dates


21 – ANET Testing

22 – ANET Testing

27 – ANET Testing

28 – MTSS; ANET Testing

29 – ANET Testing



2 – No School for Students

4 – MTSS

5 - End of Term/Half Day PD & Half Day Records Day/No School

8 – ANET Testing

9 – ANET Testing

10 – Staff Meeting; ANET Testing

11 – Holiday

12 – ANET Testing

18 – MTSS Meeting

24 – No School for Students

25 – Holiday

26 – No School for Students


Grading and Gradebook Reminder

Semester 1 Grading Period

November 5 - End of Term 1

November 5 - Report Card Mark Entry (Open window for Term 1 report card mark entry.)


Update: Friday, October 1, 2021


I would like to thank all of the families that attended our Back to School Night Program. The Powerpoint presentation is attached. Thanks for partnering with us! Also, I would like to thank you for your assistance in ensuring that your scholar complete his/her beginning of the year testing.


Parent Teacher Conference Day

We are looking forward to our first Parent Teacher Conference Day. Parents know their children best; your input, concerns, and interest in your child’s experience is valued and appreciated by all of us at the Virtual Learning Program.


When: Thursday, October 7, 2021 (12:00pm – 7:00pm)

Where: Virtual Teams Meetings

How: This afternoon you will receive a flyer with links to schedule your conferences with teachers. The meetings will be virtual.

Why: Teachers, parents, and students will continue to build relationships. Teachers will update parents/students on the academic and social behavior progress of students.  Parents/guardians will have the opportunity to share pertinent information about their scholars.


No School for Students

There is no school for students on October 8 (PD Day) or October 11 (Holiday). Please plan accordingly.


Recertifying Families for Virtual Learning (2nd Semester)

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s almost time to start planning for spring semester virtual learning. Families currently in the program will need a NEW medical consent form to remain in the program. And any new families will need to go through the process. Given the time lag to get a doctor’s appointment, please get started on the process as soon as possible.


Return to In-Person Learning

Families of students approved for virtual can request a mid-semester change by completing and submitting the attached form to (Since the medical consent form to attend virtual was signed by a physician saying the student requires virtual learning, we need physician sign off if the family changes their mind.) Approval of the request is dependent on the school of record having space to accommodate the request.


Progress Reports (IEP Progress Reports, ECE Progress Reports)

We are approaching the midpoint of Term 1. Progress Reports will be mailed to you on October 14, 2021.

Our teachers will be providing you with grades and comments to indicate any change in progress toward achieving the content standards. In addition to progress reports, teachers will notify the parents in writing when their child is in danger of failing at any time during the term period. All students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate achievement after progress reports are issued, even if they are failing when they receive their progress report.

Note: IEP Progress Reports will be sent out around the time that Report Cards are mailed.

Note: ECE students will be able to follow the progress of their students through the GOLD database.


Secondary Attendance Update

I have received a few emails regarding discrepancies in attendance (primarily our secondary students). Some parents have received robocalls due to attendance. After doing some digging, we have found that many of the calls are a result of the 80/20 rule. Our virtual learning secondary students are only scheduled for four periods, so any time a secondary student in VA receives an absence in one class, they will be considered absent for the day even if they attended the other three classes. 


Each student has 4 Periods. If any student misses one class, they would have a 75% ISA for the day, which is below the legal requirement for attendance of 80% or more classes attended.


Please ensure that our scholars are attending all classes. If there is still a discrepancy, please start with the teacher(s) for clarification on period by period attendance. If there is still a discrepancy after that point, please reach out to Mr. Person ( or Ms. Hampton (


Student Resources and Technology Issues Update

If you are still experiencing issues with technology, please remember that all virtual students are still connected to a School of Record.  Schools of record provide devices that are LTE/cellular-enabled or paired with a hotspot - if the student needs internet access support. Schools of Record are responsible for service or repair, if needed. If you encounter any issues with technology devices, please reach out to the School of Record. I also encourage you to copy the Instructional Superintendents in the communication (see below).


Cluster list:

  1. Katie Larkin:

  2. Mary-Ann Stinson:

  3. Tenia Pritchard:

  4. Shawn Stover:

  5. Eric Bethel:

  6. Carolyne Albert-Garvey:

  7. Andria Caruthers:

  8. Kim Martin:

  9. JuDonn DeShields:

  10. Jerry Jellig:


Student Behavior Expectations

Learning takes place in safe, supportive and predictable environments, whether virtual or face-to-face. Research tells us that students positively respond to expectations when they have strong relationships with adults in their schools, especially their teacher(s). Here at the Virtual Learning Program, we use the following non-negotiables to support positive student behavior: (1) use positive and affirming language daily; (2) provide resources to support self-management; (3) spend dedicated time to build relational trust; and (4) teach, model and reinforce school-wide behavior expectations.


IF misbehavior occurs, our teachers will have the following general responses:

  • Muting students’ microphones

  • Turning off student cameras

  • Verbal redirection

  • 1-on-1 student consultation

  • Parent contact

  • SEL reflection activity

  • Student Accountability Plan

  • Bullying prevention plan

  • Individual Student Safety Plan


Parents, your support in this areas is critical! If you would like to speak to teachers about classroom concerns, please do not interrupt classes. Please send the teachers a message and ask for a time to meet. Remember, your situation is an individual situation and other students and parents should not be involved in your situation. Our teachers will respond to your individual matters with you – but not on Teams.


Who to Contact

1. For schedule issues/matters, please contact: or

2. For attendance, Canvas, or Aspen matters, please contact:

The log in to Canvas is different from last year.  It is now the same as Teams and Clever:  

Student log in to Canvas is: 

Student Login: 

Password: Same as before

Students can't login to Canvas:

Please have them call the 24/7 support line @ 202-442-5885.

If you have questions about medical eligibility for virtual learning, or the medical consent and certification form, please contact the Health team at

3. If you have questions about scheduling, please contact (secondary) or (elementary).

4. If you have questions about Special Education Services, you can reach out to Sheila English at and Regina Grimmett at

5. If you have questions about English Learners (EL) Program and English as a Second Language ESL) Program you can reach out to Rosanna Demammos at (DCPS Central), (elementary), (middle school), or (high).


Have a wonderful week-end and I am looking forward to seeing you at Parent Conference Day.


Update: Week of Sep. 6-10, 2021


I want to thank you for allowing us the time to do orientation with your students the first week of school and working with us as we ensured that 100% of our scholars had full schedules. Yesterday, we went live with Canvas and full instruction. The day was a success with a few bumps in the road – which is understandable. Hopefully, all students are able to access their Canvas pages (remember, if you need technology or username and passwords, you should contact the school of record). This morning we will continue to use Canvas as the main platform although our teachers are prepared to call students in through Teams if necessary. I also included the teacher e-mails below so that you can contact them directly. As always, I will be monitoring my e-mail all day (I do have scheduled meetings from 10:00am to 2:00pm today so I may not be able to respond immediately during those times).



  • Please begin to monitor ASPEN for student grades (Teachers are required to input two grades every two weeks – keep in mind that we conducted orientation for a week).

  • If you are having problems seeing your student’s schedule in ASPEN, please contact the school of record or Mr. Person to help you navigate. I can assure you that 100% of our students who were enrolled as of 9/7/2021 have full schedules. However, since students are cross-enrolled, I understand that this may be tricky to navigate for some).

  • We will begin testing next week at all levels. I will be sending out further guidance.

  • Attendance is being taken daily through Aspen.

Have a great day and please let me know how I can assist you.



The log in to Canvas is different from last year.  It is now the same as Teams and Clever:  

·    Student log in to Canvas is: 

·    Student Login: 

·    Password: Same as before


Students can't login to Canvas:

Please have them call the 24/7 support line @ 202-442-5885.


Update: Week of Aug. 23-27, 2021



  • Start date for K-12 students will be August 30, 2021; Start date for ECE students will be September 2, 2021.


  • School will start at 9:00am and end at 3:30pm for all students. Students are required to be available for live, synchronous instruction during each school day. Students will be asked to log in and join their teacher virtually each day for each class period or subject in school. Teachers will take attendance for each of the scheduled online sessions and will record attendance in Aspen. 




  • All virtual students will receive laptop devices from their School of Record. If a student already has a device from their School of Record, they may keep it unless service or repair is needed.
    Schools will reach out to the student’s parent/guardian directly to arrange a time to pick-up a device before August 27th. If you have not heard from your home school about picking up a device, please contact the school directly.


  • Virtual Learning students, or parents/guardians on their behalf, may be assigned to their nearest in-boundary school to pick up free multiple-day meal kits. You may also go to to begin registration. Also, Virtual Learning students, or parents/guardians on their behalf, may also receive meals at Columbia Heights EC, Dunbar HS, Ron Brown High School, or Ballou High School every Monday and Wednesday between 10 AM –2 PM.


  • Families Can Make Appointments for Required Routine Immunizations Online   

    As of August 2nd, students and families are able to schedule appointments to receive their required immunizations through at participating DCPS schools and public charter schools, regardless of their students’ enrollment.  While many sites will offer walk-up COVID-19 vaccination opportunities, families will be asked to make an appointment for required immunizations so that providers have time to access the student’s immunization history. Families can go to to sign up to receive updates about immunization appointments.  
    Families are still encouraged to call their child’s doctor to schedule an appointment for their vaccines and annual physicals.  

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