The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to support positive student behavior during SY20- 21, in both virtual and modified in-person learning configurations due to COVID-19. District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) understands that learning takes place in safe, supportive and predictable environments, whether virtual or face-to-face. The following guidance seeks to ensure teaching and learning contribute to positive student engagement and increased student achievement.
Virtual Attendance
For SY21-22, virtual attendance will closely mirror in-person learning attendance by requiring synchronous learning. The new virtual attendance practices for SY21-22 will aim to better gauge attendance and engagement.
Effective for SY21-22, virtual synchronous is defined as two-way, live instruction between teachers and students, through the computer or other electronic devices. Students enrolled in the DCPS virtual learning program will be assigned a virtual class schedule and must be required to be available for live, synchronous instruction during each school day.
Students will be asked to log in and join their teacher virtually each day for each class period or subject in school. The teacher will take attendance for each of the scheduled online sessions and will record attendance in Aspen. Students will be asked to either turn on their cameras and verbally acknowledge their “presence” during roll call[1] or verbally respond to attendance request to verify presence.
Some virtual students may be cross-enrolled, however, regardless of whether student takes all classes at their home school or from a teacher located at another school, students’ attendance will be connected to their home school. Any required interventions must be completed by the attendance staff at the students’ home school.