An exciting new school year is approaching. We've listed some items to help your child have a productive and fun year.
K - 2nd Grade
1 bottle of white, liquid glue
11arge, pink eraser
2 glue sticks
1 box of tissues to share
1 box of crayons
1 box of markers or colored pencils
A backpack
12, #2 pencils
2 dry-erase markers
1 pair of safety scissors
1small school box or zipper pouch for school supplies
2, two-pocket folders
2 wide-ruled notebooks
1 ruler (inches and centimeters)
Grades 3 - 5
1 box of crayons
1 box of markers or colored pencils
12, #2 pencils
1 school box or zippered pouch for school supplies
3 big glue sticks
5, two-pocket folders
3-Ring Binder, 1 1/2" or 2"
1 pack wide-ruled, loose leaf paper
1 pair of scissors
2 large erasers
1 box of tissues to share
2 highlighters
1 pack of3x5 index cards (white)
2 spiral, wire bound notebooks
A backpack
2 marble composition notebooks
Basic calculator
Ruler (inches and centimeters)
Grades 6 - 8
Several #2 pencils
Extra erasers
Several pens (blue or black)
1 box of crayons
1 box of markers or colored pencils
2 glue sticks
1/2 inch 3-ring binder
2 composition or spiral notebooks
Dividers-at least 6
1 pack of graph paper
2 packs of loose leaf paper
4, two-pocket folders
2 highlighters
1 set of 3X5 ruled index cards
Ruler (inches and centimeters)
Graphing calculator (see teacher for clarification and specifics)
Grades 9 - 12
3-ring binders, one for each class
#2 Pencils
Ballpoint pens (blue or black)
1 box of colored pencils, markers or crayons
Loose leaf, college-ruled notebook paper
Index cards
Glue sticks
Pack of graph paper
Composition or spiral notebooks
Ruler (inches and centimeters)
Graphing calculator (see teacher for clarification and specifics)